/* spamfilter.c written for use on chatter.lu network Author retains all original rights to work. You may modify/redistribute this code under the GPL agreement provided you maintain Author's credit. This code become from ipadd_module. I thank his author David Chafin for this little module which enables me to create my first module inspired by David Chafin.*/ #include "module.h" #include #define AUTHOR "irc0p" #define VERSION "v1.0" /*Function Declaration */ int spamfilter(int argc, char **argv); int AnopeInit(int argc, char **argv) { EvtHook *hook; int status; hook = createEventHook(EVENT_BOT_FANTASY, spamfilter); status = moduleAddEventHook(hook); if (status != MOD_ERR_OK) { alog("Error binding to event EVENT_BOT_FANTASY [%d]", status); return MOD_STOP; } hook = createEventHook(EVENT_BOT_FANTASY_NO_ACCESS, spamfilter); status = moduleAddEventHook(hook); if (status != MOD_ERR_OK) { alog("Error binding to event EVENT_BOT_FANTASY [%d]", status); return MOD_STOP; } moduleAddAuthor(AUTHOR); /* Add the author information */ moduleAddVersion(VERSION); /* Add the version information */ moduleSetType(THIRD); /* Flag as Third party module */ /* Loading Success! */ alog("Spamfilter modul successfully loaded."); return MOD_CONT; } /**************************************************************/ void AnopeFini(void) { /* A message about unload */ alog("Spamfilter modul successfully unloaded."); } /**************************************************************/ int spamfilter(int argc, char **argv) { User *u; ChannelInfo *ci; FILE * pFile; /* Set below to actual spamfilter.conf file to be used */ pFile = fopen ("/home/your_irc/Unreal3.2/spamfilter.conf","a"); /* Check that we got at least 3 parameters */ if (argc < 3) { /* return now */ return MOD_CONT; } /* Get the user struct */ u = finduser(argv[1]); /* Get the channel info struct */ ci = cs_findchan(argv[2]); /* Make sure they aren't null */ if (!u || !ci) { return MOD_CONT; } if (!stricmp("spamfilter", argv[0])) { if (is_services_admin(u)) { if ( argc == 4 ) { if ( pFile != NULL ) { fprintf(pFile, "#Added by %s\n", u->nick); fprintf(pFile, "spamfilter {\n"); fprintf(pFile, "regex \"%s\";\n", argv[3]); fprintf(pFile, "target { private; channel; };\n"); fprintf(pFile, "action block;\n"); fprintf(pFile, "reason \"No spam on our network!\";\n"); fprintf(pFile, "};\n"); fprintf(pFile, "\n"); fclose (pFile); system ("/home/ircd/Unreal3.2/./unreal rehash"); notice(whosends(ci), ci->name, "!spamfilter used by %s: adding the following URL: %s. Server will be rehasht automatically!", u->nick, argv[3]); return MOD_CONT; }else{ alog("Could not open spamfilter.conf! Aborting."); notice(whosends(ci), u->nick, "No such file exists!"); return MOD_STOP; } }else{ notice(whosends(ci), u->nick, "You must supply an #channel."); return MOD_STOP; } }else{ notice(whosends(ci), u->nick, "Permission denied."); return MOD_STOP; } } /* All Done */ return MOD_CONT; }