/* ----------------------------------------------------------- * Name: ns_limitregonconnect * Author: djGrrr + * SGR * Date: 2006/10/05 (Last update: 2006/10/05) * ----------------------------------------------------------- * Limitations: NONE KNOWN. * Tested: Anope 1.7.15 + UnrealIRCd(3.2.5) * ----------------------------------------------------------- * * This version has been tested on Unreal 3.2.5. All IRCd's * should be compatible with this module. * * This module is a slight rewrite of the original * ns_limitregonconnect module by SGR. Most of the core code is * the same as the original module, but i have changed most of * the triggering functions. Many thanks to SGR for writting * the original module :) * * This module now uses config file settings rather than hard coded * defines for all settings (except the nick buffer size) to make * it much easier to change settings by a simple /OS RELOAD * * If you find any bugs, please let me know asap via email or on IRC at * irc.p2p-network.net with the nick djGrrr :) * * ----------------------------------------------------------- * ChangeLog * * 1.00 - First release by me * - Fixed memory leak * - Now using EVENT hooks rather than raw messages * - Added protection on the GROUP command as well * - Removed defines for custom messages, i may add * them back in a later version (in a different manner) * - All settings (except the nickbuffer size) can now * be changed with a config varible, rather than * hard coded defines * * 1.01 - Added in some initialization checks to make sure the * hooks and commands are added properly * - Fixed version number * * -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* ------------------------------------------------------------- * Place this in your services.conf file * * ------------------------------------------------------------- # LimitRegOnConnect [OPTIONAL] # Module: ns_limitregonconnect # # Enables protection against users who try to register # immeadiately after connecting, this can be very usefull for # preventing botnets from registering a lot of nicknames as soon # as they connect. The REGISTER and GROUP commands in nickserv will # be limited for the ammount of time set in the LimitRegTimeDeny # config setting # LimitRegOnConnect # LimitRegTimeDeny [OPTIONAL] # Module: ns_limitregonconnect # # This is the ammount of time users will have to wait before they can # register with NickServ after connecting to the Network. This value # should be somewhere between 10 seconds and 15 minutes. 3 mminutes # is recommended. If LimitRegTimeDeny is not specified, a default of # 1 minute is assumed. # LimitRegTimeDeny 3m # LimitRegSelfRemoval [OPTIONAL] # Module: ns_limitregonconnect # # Enables users to "force expire" the timeout phrobiting them from # registering. This will allow users to issue the command # /NickServ REGISTER UNBLOCK or /NickServ GROUP UNBLOCK. When this is done, # the user will be removed from the temporary 'deny list' before the timeout, # and will thus allow them to register early. # # I recommend AGAINST uncommenting this as it would make it extreamly easy # for botnets to bypass the protection # #LimitRegSelfRemoval # LimitRegUseNickTracking [OPTIONAL] # Module: ns_limitregonconnect # # If this is enabled and a user /nicks's within the LimitRegTimeDeny # time; the counter for them will be reset and they will have to wait the # full LimitRegTimeDeny again. If this not enabled, a user can simply /nick # to bypass the LimitRegTimeDeny lockout on them registering their nick. # # I HIGHLY recommend enabling this, as disabling it would make it very # simple for botnets to bypass the protection # LimitRegUseNickTracking *----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Advanced settings. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* This setting controls how many 'slots' to reserve for new clients connecting. * everytime a client connects, they are added to a free slot. After the timeout, * they are removed from the slot. When a user tries to register their nick * we 1st check if they are in one of the slots, if so, the registration is * rejected. It is NOT recommended you change this setting unless you are * running services with a small ammount of ram and on a small [<1000 user] or * large [>5000 user] network. [DISCOURAGED] [Must be an integer value] * *** MUST NOT BE LOWER THAN 80, ideally keep to a power of 2 *** */ /*@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ I have set this to 8192 as my default because i run a fairly large network @ @ and i have plenty of ram on my services box. If you run a small sized @ @ network (<1000 users on avg) or have very limited ram, you should change @ @ this to something more like the default in the original module (1024) @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*/ #define NICKBUFFER 8192 // Here we assume that normally, there are no more // than 8192 clients who have connected in the last // LimitRegTimeDeny time limit. Don't worry if there // are sometimes more or less - but feel free to // change this if you are reguraly seeing the // "Hash Table Full" notice. /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "module.h" #define AUTHOR "djGrrr + SGR" #define VERSION "1.01" typedef struct connectnicks CN; struct connectnicks { CN *next, *prev; char *nick; }; CN *cnsh[NICKBUFFER]; int ncns = 0; int NSRLock = 0; CN *find_entry(char *nick); CN *create_entry(char *nick); int del_entry(CN *cn); int rtncount(void); void add_entry(CN *cn); void m_regconnecttimeoutloghash(void); int my_nickservreglock_change(int argc, char **argv); int my_nickservreglock_connect(int argc, char **argv); int m_ns_remove_deny_entry(int argc, char **argv); int m_ns_check_recentconnection(User *u); int m_ns_someuserquit(int argc, char **argv); int reload_config(int argc, char **argv); void load_config(void); int LimitRegOnConnect = 0; int LimitRegSelfRemoval = 0; int LimitRegTimeDeny = 0; int LimitRegUseNickTracking = 0; int AnopeInit(int argc, char **argv) { int status = 0; Command *c; EvtHook *hook = NULL; if (!moduleMinVersion(1,7,10,810)) { alog("%s: [ns_limitregonconnect]: Your version of Anope isn't supported.", s_OperServ); return MOD_STOP; } load_config(); hook = createEventHook(EVENT_RELOAD, reload_config); status += moduleAddEventHook(hook); hook = createEventHook(EVENT_NEWNICK, my_nickservreglock_connect); status += moduleAddEventHook(hook); hook = createEventHook(EVENT_CHANGE_NICK, my_nickservreglock_change); status += moduleAddEventHook(hook); hook = createEventHook(EVENT_USER_LOGOFF, m_ns_someuserquit); status += moduleAddEventHook(hook); c = createCommand("REGISTER", m_ns_check_recentconnection, NULL,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1); status += moduleAddCommand(NICKSERV, c, MOD_HEAD); c = createCommand("GROUP", m_ns_check_recentconnection, NULL,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1); status += moduleAddCommand(NICKSERV, c, MOD_HEAD); if (status != 0) { alog("%s: [ns_limitregonconnect]: Module could not load successfully", s_OperServ); return MOD_STOP; } moduleAddAuthor(AUTHOR); moduleAddVersion(VERSION); moduleSetType(THIRD); alog("%s: [ns_limitregonconnect]: Module loaded successfully", s_OperServ); return MOD_CONT; } void AnopeFini(void) { alog("%s: [ns_limitregonconnect]: Module unloaded successfully", s_OperServ); } int m_ns_check_recentconnection(User *u) { CN *cn; if (!LimitRegOnConnect) return MOD_CONT; if (LimitRegSelfRemoval) { char *buffer = moduleGetLastBuffer(); if (buffer) { buffer = myStrGetToken(buffer, ' ', 0); if (!stricmp(buffer,"UNBLOCK")) { if ((cn = find_entry(u->nick))) { del_entry(cn); notice(s_NickServ, u->nick, "The timout preventing you from REGISTERing / GROUPing has been removed."); notice(s_NickServ, u->nick, "You may now register your nick. See /msg %s HELP REGISTER", s_NickServ); notice(s_NickServ, u->nick, "for further information on how to register."); } else notice(s_NickServ, u->nick, "No matching timeouts were found. You may now register your nick."); free(buffer); return MOD_STOP; } free(buffer); } } if ((cn = find_entry(u->nick))) { notice(s_NickServ, u->nick, "You must be connected for more than %d seconds before you", LimitRegTimeDeny); notice(s_NickServ, u->nick, "may REGISTER / GROUP your nickname with NickServ. If you have changed"); notice(s_NickServ, u->nick, "your nick within %d seconds the timeout will of been reset.", LimitRegTimeDeny); if (LimitRegSelfRemoval) { notice(s_NickServ, u->nick, " "); notice(s_NickServ, u->nick, "If you do not wish to wait, you can lift this temporary block"); notice(s_NickServ, u->nick, "using /msg %s REGISTER UNBLOCK.", s_NickServ); } notice(s_NickServ, u->nick, " "); notice(s_NickServ, u->nick, "For more information please join #help"); return MOD_STOP; } else return MOD_CONT; } int m_ns_remove_deny_entry(int argc, char **argv) { char *peep = argv[0]; CN *cn; if (peep) { while((cn = find_entry(peep))) del_entry(cn); } return MOD_CONT; } int m_ns_someuserquit(int argc, char **argv) { CN *cn; if (argc < 1) return MOD_CONT; if ((cn = find_entry(argv[0]))) del_entry(cn); return MOD_CONT; } int my_nickservreglock_change(int argc, char **argv) { char NSRLockX[16]; char *av[1]; CN *cn; int XM = 0; if (!LimitRegOnConnect || !LimitRegUseNickTracking || argc < 1) return MOD_CONT; if ((cn = find_entry(argv[0]))) { del_entry(cn); XM = rtncount(); if (XM >= NICKBUFFER) { m_regconnecttimeoutloghash(); return MOD_CONT; } if ((cn = create_entry(argv[0]))) { av[0] = sstrdup(argv[0]); NSRLock = NSRLock + 1; snprintf(NSRLockX, sizeof(NSRLockX), "CNRD-%d", NSRLock); moduleAddCallback(NSRLockX, time(NULL) + LimitRegTimeDeny, m_ns_remove_deny_entry,1,av); free(av[0]); } } return MOD_CONT; } int my_nickservreglock_connect(int argc, char **argv) { char NSRLockX[16]; char *av[1]; CN *cn; int XM = 0; if (!LimitRegOnConnect || argc != 1) return MOD_CONT; if ((cn = find_entry(argv[0]))) del_entry(cn); XM = rtncount(); if (XM >= NICKBUFFER) { m_regconnecttimeoutloghash(); return MOD_CONT; } if ((cn = create_entry(argv[0]))) { av[0] = sstrdup(argv[0]); NSRLock = NSRLock + 1; snprintf(NSRLockX, sizeof(NSRLockX), "CNRD-%d", NSRLock); moduleAddCallback(NSRLockX, time(NULL) + LimitRegTimeDeny, m_ns_remove_deny_entry,1,av); free(av[0]); } if (NSRLock > 9999999) NSRLock = 1; return MOD_CONT; } int del_entry(CN *cn) { if (cn->next) cn->next->prev = cn->prev; if (cn->prev) cn->prev->next = cn->next; else cnsh[tolower(*cn->nick)] = cn->next; ncns--; free(cn->nick); free(cn); return 1; } CN *find_entry(char *nick) { CN *cn; if (!nick || !*nick) return NULL; for (cn = cnsh[tolower(*nick)]; cn; cn = cn->next) { if (!stricmp(nick, cn->nick)) return cn; } return NULL; } void add_entry(CN * cn) { CN *next, *prev; for (prev = NULL, next = cnsh[tolower(*cn->nick)]; next != NULL && stricmp(next->nick, cn->nick) < 0; prev = next, next = next->next); cn->prev = prev; cn->next = next; if (!prev) cnsh[tolower(*cn->nick)] = cn; else prev->next = cn; if (next) next->prev = cn; return; } CN *create_entry(char *nick) { CN *cn; cn = scalloc(sizeof(CN), 1); cn->nick = sstrdup(nick); add_entry(cn); ncns++; return cn; } int rtncount(void) { int i = 0; CN *cn; int count = 0; if (!ncns) return 0; for (i = 0; i < NICKBUFFER; i++) { for (cn = cnsh[i]; cn; cn = cn->next) { count++; if (count > NICKBUFFER) break; } } return count; } void m_regconnecttimeoutloghash(void) { int D = 0; D = LimitRegTimeDeny * 4; alog("%s: [ns_limitregonconnect]: Hash Table Full - This isn't too much of a problem, but if you are getting", s_OperServ); alog("%s: [ns_limitregonconnect]: this notice reguraly (and outside of %d secs of the 1st of these messages)", s_OperServ, D); alog("%s: [ns_limitregonconnect]: considder recompiling the module with a larger NICKBUFFER setting.", s_OperServ); alog("%s: [ns_limitregonconnect]: Note: this error is common when servers are relinking, or you are recieving", s_OperServ); alog("%s: [ns_limitregonconnect]: many new client connections e.g. when a botnet joins your network.", s_OperServ); } int reload_config(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc >= 1) { if (!stricmp(argv[0], EVENT_START)) { alog("%s: [ns_limitregonconnect]: Reloading configuration directives...", s_OperServ); load_config(); } } return MOD_CONT; } void load_config(void) { int i = 0; LimitRegOnConnect = 0; LimitRegSelfRemoval = 0; LimitRegUseNickTracking = 0; LimitRegTimeDeny = 0; Directive confvalues[][1] = { {{"LimitRegOnConnect", {{PARAM_SET, PARAM_RELOAD, &LimitRegOnConnect}}}}, {{"LimitRegSelfRemoval", {{PARAM_SET, PARAM_RELOAD, &LimitRegSelfRemoval}}}}, {{"LimitRegUseNickTracking", {{PARAM_SET, PARAM_RELOAD, &LimitRegUseNickTracking}}}}, {{"LimitRegTimeDeny", {{PARAM_TIME, PARAM_RELOAD, &LimitRegTimeDeny}}}} }; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) moduleGetConfigDirective(confvalues[i]); if (LimitRegOnConnect && (!LimitRegTimeDeny || LimitRegTimeDeny < 0)) LimitRegTimeDeny = 60; }