/** * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Name : bs_fantasy_fpart * Author : Viper * Date : 20/08/2007 (Last update: 23/08/2007) * Version : 1.0 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Limitations : Any IRCd which supports SVSPART * Requires : Anope-1.7.18 or higher * Tested : Anope-1.7.19 + UnrealIRCd 3.2.6 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This module creates the !fpart fantasy command. * To access the command you need to be services administrator. * * Personally i would NEVER use this module since !kick is a much better * alternative, but apparently some people do want something like this.. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Changelog: * * 1.0 - Initial release * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- **/ #include "module.h" #define AUTHOR "Viper" #define VERSION "1.0" /* Language defines */ #define LANG_NUM_STRINGS 6 #define LANG_FPART_SYNTAX 0 #define LANG_NO_SUCH_USER 1 #define LANG_CHANNAME_TOO_LONG 2 #define LANG_USER_NOT_IN_CHAN 3 #define LANG_FPARTING 4 #define LANG_FORCE_PARTED 5 /* Functions */ int do_fantasy(int ac, char **av); int do_fantasy_denied(int ac, char **av); void do_fpart(User *u, Channel *c, char *target, char *reason); int valid_ircd(void); void add_languages(void); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Create the command, and tell anope about it. * @param argc Argument count * @param argv Argument list * @return MOD_CONT to allow the module, MOD_STOP to stop it **/ int AnopeInit(int argc, char **argv) { EvtHook *hook; alog("[\002bs_fantasy_fpart\002] Loading module..."); if (!valid_ircd()) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_fpart\002] ERROR: IRCd not supported by this module"); alog("[\002bs_fantasy_fpart\002] Unloading module..."); return MOD_STOP; } if (!moduleMinVersion(1,7,17,1192)) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_fpart\002] Your version of Anope isn't supported. Please update to a newer release."); return MOD_STOP; } hook = createEventHook(EVENT_BOT_FANTASY, do_fantasy); if (moduleAddEventHook(hook) != MOD_ERR_OK) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_fpart\002] Can't hook to EVENT_BOT_FANTASY event"); return MOD_STOP; } hook = createEventHook(EVENT_BOT_FANTASY_NO_ACCESS, do_fantasy_denied); if (moduleAddEventHook(hook) != MOD_ERR_OK) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_fpart\002] Can't hook to EVENT_BOT_FANTASY_NO_ACCESS event"); return MOD_STOP; } moduleAddAuthor(AUTHOR); moduleAddVersion(VERSION); add_languages(); alog("[\002bs_fantasy_fpart\002] Module loaded successfully..."); return MOD_CONT; } /** * Unload the module **/ void AnopeFini(void) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_fpart\002] Unloading module..."); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Handles all fantasy commands. * Here we ll identify the command and call the right routines. **/ int do_fantasy(int ac, char **av) { User *u; ChannelInfo *ci; Channel *c; /* Some basic error checking... should never match */ if (ac < 3) return MOD_CONT; if (!(ci = cs_findchan(av[2]))) return MOD_CONT; if (!(u = finduser(av[1]))) return MOD_CONT; if (!(c = findchan(ci->name))) return MOD_CONT; if (stricmp(av[0], "fpart") == 0) { /* If executed without any params, show help */ if (ac == 3) moduleNoticeLang(ci->bi->nick, u, LANG_FPART_SYNTAX, BSFantasyCharacter); else { if (is_services_admin(u)) { /* Get the arguments: nick and the remainder is reason. */ char *arg1 = myStrGetToken(av[3],' ',0); char *arg2 = myStrGetTokenRemainder(av[3],' ',1); if (!arg1 || !arg2) moduleNoticeLang(ci->bi->nick, u, LANG_FPART_SYNTAX, BSFantasyCharacter); else do_fpart(u, c, arg1, arg2); if (arg1) free(arg1); if (arg2) free(arg2); } else notice_lang(ci->bi->nick, u, PERMISSION_DENIED); } } /* Continue processig event.. maybe other modules want it too */ return MOD_CONT; } /** * Handles all denied fantasy commands. * Here we ll identify the command and call the right routines. **/ int do_fantasy_denied(int ac, char **av) { User *u; ChannelInfo *ci; Channel *c; /* Some basic error checking... should never match */ if (ac < 3) return MOD_CONT; if (!(ci = cs_findchan(av[2]))) return MOD_CONT; if (!(u = finduser(av[1]))) return MOD_CONT; if (!(c = findchan(ci->name))) return MOD_CONT; if (stricmp(av[0], "fpart") == 0) { /* If executed without any params, show help */ if (ac == 3) moduleNoticeLang(ci->bi->nick, u, LANG_FPART_SYNTAX, BSFantasyCharacter); else { if (is_services_admin(u)) { char *arg1 = myStrGetToken(av[3],' ',0); char *arg2 = myStrGetTokenRemainder(av[3],' ',1); if (!arg1 || !arg2) moduleNoticeLang(ci->bi->nick, u, LANG_FPART_SYNTAX, BSFantasyCharacter); else do_fpart(u, c, arg1, arg2); if (arg1) free(arg1); if (arg2) free(arg2); } else notice_lang(ci->bi->nick, u, PERMISSION_DENIED); } } /* Continue processig event.. maybe other modules want it too */ return MOD_CONT; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void do_fpart(User *u, Channel *c, char *nick, char *reason) { User *target = NULL; if (!u || !c || !nick || !reason) return; /* Check the 1st argument [nick] is a valid (in use) nick - * This will filter out services/botserv bots. */ if (!(target = finduser(nick))) { moduleNoticeLang(c->ci->bi->nick, u, LANG_NO_SUCH_USER, nick); return; } /* Check whether user is allready on channel */ if (!is_on_chan(c, target)) { moduleNoticeLang(c->ci->bi->nick, u, LANG_USER_NOT_IN_CHAN, nick); return; } moduleNoticeLang(c->ci->bi->nick, u, LANG_FPARTING, nick, c->name); /* make some noise to prevent abusers */ wallops(c->ci->bi->nick, "%s used SVSPART to part %s from %s. Reason: [%s]", u->nick, nick, c->name, reason); moduleNoticeLang(s_ChanServ, target, LANG_FORCE_PARTED, c->name, u->nick, reason); /* Force them out */ anope_cmd_svspart(c->ci->bi->nick, nick, c->name); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * We check if the ircd is supported **/ int valid_ircd(void) { if (!stricmp(IRCDModule, "unreal32")) return 1; if (!stricmp(IRCDModule, "viagra")) return 1; if (!stricmp(IRCDModule, "ptlink")) return 1; if (!stricmp(IRCDModule, "ultimate2")) return 1; if (!stricmp(IRCDModule, "plexus3")) return 1; return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Add language strings to the module's language db. **/ void add_languages(void) { char *langtable_en_us[] = { /* LANG_FPART_SYNTAX */ "Syntax: %sfpart[\037nick\037] [\037reason\037]", /* LANG_NO_SUCH_USER */ " User [%s] does not exist or is a services client", /* LANG_CHANNAME_TOO_LONG */ " That channel name is too long.", /* LANG_USER_NOT_IN_CHAN */ " The user [%s] is not in channel.", /* LANG_FPARTING */ "Forcing %s to part %s", /* LANG_FORCE_PARTED */ " You were forced out of %s by %s for reason [%s].\n" " If you feel this was done without a valid reason, please report it to another IRC operator", }; moduleInsertLanguage(LANG_EN_US, LANG_NUM_STRINGS, langtable_en_us); } /* EOF */