/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Name : bs_perchannelfantasy.c * Author : Naram Qashat (CyberBotX) * Version : 1.4 * Date : (Created) August 7th, 2010 (Last modified) June 26th, 2011 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later * version. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Requires: Anope-1.8.x (May work with later versions of 1.7.x, untested) * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Description: * * Allows channel founder (and Services Administrators) to set custom fantasy * triggers on a per-channel basis. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Usage: * * This module has 1 configurable option. * * ----- Put these lines in your services.conf -------------------------------- # BSPerChannelFantasyDBName [OPTIONAL] # Specifies the filename of bs_perchannelfantasy's database. If not given, # defaults to "bs_perchannelfantasy.db". #BSPerChannelFantasyDBName "bs_perchannelfantasy.db" * ----- End of Configuration ------------------------------------------------- * Changelog: * * 1.4 - Fix potential crash on trying to free a null pointer in do_set. * - Only allow a trigger character with an ASCII value over 32. * 1.3 - Fix compilation error under Windows. * 1.2 - Fix segfault if ChanServ's SET is called without a parameter after * the channel name. * 1.1 - Fix potential bug caused by my custom PRIVMSG handler changing the * value of the current module name. * 1.0 - Initial version. * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "module.h" static const char *const AUTHOR = "Naram Qashat (CyberBotX)"; static const char *const VERSION = "v1.4"; enum LNG /* Language strings */ { CHAN_SET_FANTASY_SYNTAX, CHAN_SET_FANTASY_RESET, CHAN_SET_FANTASY_TRIGGER, CHAN_INFO_FANTASY, MY_CHAN_HELP_SET, CHAN_HELP_SET_FANTASY, MY_NUM_STRINGS }; static char *BSPerChannelFantasyDBName = NULL; /* Database file name */ static char *module_name = NULL; /* The module's name, needed in our custom PRIVMSG message */ int (*EventPrivmsg)(char *, int, char **); /** Custom PRIVMSG message. * @param source The source of the message (We don't really care in this case, as we pass it off to the protocol module anyways) * @param ac Number of parameters (We only care that we actually got some parameters) * @param av The parameters (In this case, we only care about the 1st one which might contain a channel name) * @return MOD_CONT is the only thing returned to allow things to work as expected. * * This custom PRIVMSG message is designed to change the fantasy trigger for that channel if there is a custom one. */ int MyPrivmsg(char *source, int ac, char **av) { char oldTrigger = *BSFantasyCharacter, *old_mod_current_module_name = mod_current_module_name; Module *old_mod_current_module = mod_current_module; /* This is to set the current module as the module name is the previous module when this is called, it will be set back to it's original value later */ mod_current_module_name = module_name; if (mod_current_module_name) mod_current_module = findModule(module_name); /* We only check for a custom fantasy trigger if the recipient is a channel and we have BotServ enabled */ if (ac > 0 && *av[0] == '#' && s_BotServ) { /* Find the chanenel */ ChannelInfo *ci = cs_findchan(av[0]); if (ci) { /* Find if a custom trigger exists and replace the fantasy character with that trigger */ char *trigger = moduleGetData(&ci->moduleData, "bs_perchannelfantasy"); if (trigger) { *BSFantasyCharacter = *trigger; free(trigger); } } } mod_current_module_name = old_mod_current_module_name; mod_current_module = old_mod_current_module; /* Pass the message off to the protocol module and then reset the fantasy character back to it's original value */ EventPrivmsg(source, ac, av); *BSFantasyCharacter = oldTrigger; return MOD_CONT; } /** SET command * @param u User who requested the command * * Adds a FANTASY subcommand to ChanServ's SET command. */ static int do_set(User *u) { char *text = moduleGetLastBuffer(); if (text) { char *chan = myStrGetToken(text, ' ', 0); if (chan) { ChannelInfo *ci = cs_findchan(chan); if (ci && !(ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN)) { char *cmd = myStrGetToken(text, ' ', 1); if (cmd && !stricmp(cmd, "FANTASY")) { /* We only allow Services Administrators or channel founders to change a channel's custom fantasy trigger */ if (is_services_admin(u) || (ci->flags & CI_SECUREFOUNDER ? is_real_founder(u, ci) : is_founder(u, ci))) { char *trigger = myStrGetToken(text, ' ', 2); if (!trigger) { moduleNoticeLang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_SET_FANTASY_SYNTAX); free(cmd); free(chan); return MOD_STOP; } /* RESET is a special "trigger" to remove the custom fantasy trigger */ if (!stricmp(trigger, "RESET")) { moduleDelData(&ci->moduleData, "bs_perchannelfantasy"); moduleNoticeLang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_SET_FANTASY_RESET, ci->name); } /* We only accept 1-character triggers as that is all the core accepts anyways, and it must not be a control character or a space */ else if (strlen(trigger) == 1 && trigger[0] > 32) { moduleAddData(&ci->moduleData, "bs_perchannelfantasy", trigger); moduleNoticeLang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_SET_FANTASY_TRIGGER, ci->name, *trigger); } else moduleNoticeLang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_SET_FANTASY_SYNTAX); free(trigger); } else notice_lang(s_ChanServ, u, ACCESS_DENIED); free(cmd); free(chan); return MOD_STOP; } if (cmd) free(cmd); } free(chan); } } return MOD_CONT; } /** INFO command * @param u User who requested the command. * * Adds a line at the end of CS INFO to show if there is a custom fantasy trigger. */ static int do_info(User *u) { char *text = moduleGetLastBuffer(), *chan = myStrGetToken(text, ' ', 0); if (chan) { ChannelInfo *ci = cs_findchan(chan); if (ci && !(ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN) && ((ci->flags & CI_SECUREFOUNDER ? is_real_founder(u, ci) : is_founder(u, ci)) || is_services_oper(u))) { char *trigger = moduleGetData(&ci->moduleData, "bs_perchannelfantasy"); if (trigger) { moduleNoticeLang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_INFO_FANTASY, *trigger); free(trigger); } } free(chan); } return MOD_CONT; } /* This is only here to get around a bug in Anope 1.8.4 and below. */ static int do_nothing(User *u) { return MOD_CONT; } /** HELP SET command * @param u User who requested the help */ static int do_help_set(User *u) { moduleNoticeLang(s_ChanServ, u, MY_CHAN_HELP_SET); return MOD_CONT; } /** HELP SET FANTASY command * @param u User who requested the help */ static int do_help_set_fantasy(User *u) { moduleNoticeLang(s_ChanServ, u, CHAN_HELP_SET_FANTASY); return MOD_CONT; } /** Load bs_perchannelfantasy's configuration. * * Only directive is BSPerChannelFantasyDBName, defaults to bs_perchannelfantasy.db if not given. */ void do_load_config(void) { int i; char *tmpDBName = NULL; Directive confvalues[][1] = { {{"BSPerChannelFantasyDBName", {{PARAM_STRING, PARAM_RELOAD, &tmpDBName}}}}, }; for (i = 0; i < 1; ++i) moduleGetConfigDirective(confvalues[i]); if (BSPerChannelFantasyDBName) free(BSPerChannelFantasyDBName); BSPerChannelFantasyDBName = sstrdup(tmpDBName ? tmpDBName : "bs_perchannelfantasy.db"); } /** Load bs_prechannelfantasy's database. * * bs_perchannelfantasy's database consists of all the custom fantasy triggers for a per-channel change. */ void do_load_db(void) { char readbuf[1024]; FILE *in = fopen(BSPerChannelFantasyDBName, "rb"); /* Fail if we were unable to open the database */ if (!in) { alog("[bs_perchannelfantasy] Unable to open database ('%s') for reading", BSPerChannelFantasyDBName); return; } /* Read in the database line by line, format is: {channel} {fantasytrigger} */ while (fgets(readbuf, 1024, in)) { char *name = myStrGetToken(readbuf, ' ', 0), *trigger = myStrGetToken(readbuf, ' ', 1); if (name) { if (trigger) { unsigned len = strlen(trigger); ChannelInfo *ci = cs_findchan(name); /* Make sure to get rid of the trailing \n */ trigger[len - 1] = 0; if (ci) moduleAddData(&ci->moduleData, "bs_perchannelfantasy", trigger); free(trigger); } free(name); } } fclose(in); if (debug) alog("[bs_perchannelfantasy] Successfully loaded database"); } /** Save bs_prechannelfantasy's database. */ void do_save_db(void) { FILE *out = fopen(BSPerChannelFantasyDBName, "wb"); int i; /* Fail if we were unable to open the database */ if (!out) { alog("[bs_perchannelfantasy] Unable to open database ('%s') for writing", BSPerChannelFantasyDBName); return; } /* Go through all the registered channels and add them to the database file if they have a custom fantasy trigger */ for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { ChannelInfo *ci = chanlists[i]; for (; ci; ci = ci->next) { char *info = moduleGetData(&ci->moduleData, "bs_perchannelfantasy"); if (info) { fprintf(out, "%s %s\n", ci->name, info); free(info); } } } fclose(out); if (debug) alog("[bs_perchannelfantasy] Successfully saved database"); } /** Save the database when Anope saves it's own databases. * @param argc The number of arguments (should be 1, technically) * @param argv The arguments, should be either EVENT_START or EVENT_STOP * * We only care if the argument is EVENT_START as it doesn't matter either way. */ int do_save_db_evt(int argc, char **argv) { if (!stricmp(argv[0], EVENT_START)) do_save_db(); return MOD_CONT; } /** Backup the database when Anope backs up it's own databases. * @param argc The number of arguments (should be 1, technically) * @param argv The arguments, should be either EVENT_START or EVENT_STOP * * We only care if the argument is EVENT_START as it doesn't matter either way. */ int do_backup_db_evt(int argc, char **argv) { if (!stricmp(argv[0], EVENT_START)) ModuleDatabaseBackup(BSPerChannelFantasyDBName); return MOD_CONT; } /** Add the languages for the module. */ void do_add_languages(void) { char *langtable_en_us[] = { /* CHAN_SET_FANTASY_SYNTAX */ "Syntax: SET channel FANTASY {trigger|RESET}", /* CHAN_SET_FANTASY_RESET */ "Fantasy trigger for channel %s has been reset to default", /* CHAN_SET_FANTASY_TRIGGER */ "Fantasy trigger for channel %s set to '%c'", /* CHAN_INFO_FANTASY */ "Custom Fantasy Trigger: %c", /* MY_CHAN_HELP_SET */ " \n" "Additional commands to SET:\n" " \n" " FANTASY Change channel's fantasy trigger", /* CHAN_HELP_SET_FANTASY */ "Syntax: SET channel FANTASY {trigger|RESET}\n" " \n" "Sets a custom fantasy trigger for the given channel, the\n" "trigger must be only 1 character long. If you wish to\n" "go back to using the original trigger, use RESET in place\n" "of a trigger." }; char *langtable_de[] = { /* CHAN_SET_FANTASY_SYNTAX */ "Syntax: SET channel FANTASY {trigger|RESET}", /* CHAN_SET_FANTASY_RESET */ "Fantasy Trigger für den Channel %s wurde auf zurückgestellt\n" " auf Standard", /* CHAN_SET_FANTASY_TRIGGER */ "Fantasy Trigger für den Channel %s wurde gesetzt auf '%c'", /* CHAN_INFO_FANTASY */ "Benutzerdefinierter Fantasy Trigger: %c", /* MY_CHAN_HELP_SET */ " \n" "Zusätzliche Befehle für SET:\n" " \n" " FANTASY Verändert den Fantasy Trigger von einen Channel", /* CHAN_HELP_SET_FANTASY */ "Syntax: SET channel FANTASY {trigger|RESET}\n" " \n" "Bestimmt den Fantasy Trigger für den Channel, der Trigger\n" "kann nur ein einzelnes Zeichen sein. Wenn Du den originalen\n" "Trigger wieder nutzen möchtest, benutze RESET um den\n" "orignalen Trigger wiederherzustellen." }; moduleInsertLanguage(LANG_EN_US, MY_NUM_STRINGS, langtable_en_us); moduleInsertLanguage(LANG_DE, MY_NUM_STRINGS, langtable_de); } /** Custom version of findMessage. * @param msgTable The message table to search in, will almost always be IRCD * @param name The name of the message we are looking for * @return A pointer to the message found, or NULL if it's not found * * This is a custom version of findMessage designed to find a core message only. * A core message is designated by it's lack of mod_name set in the Message structure. */ Message *myFindMessage(MessageHash *msgTable[], const char *name) { int idx; MessageHash *current = NULL; if (!msgTable || !name) return NULL; idx = CMD_HASH(name); for (current = msgTable[idx]; current; current = current->next) { if (UseTokens) { if (ircd->tokencaseless) { if (!stricmp(name, current->name)) break; } else { if (!strcmp(name, current->name)) break; } } else { if (!stricmp(name, current->name)) break; } } if (current) { Message *msg = NULL; for (msg = current->m; msg; msg = msg->next) if (!msg->mod_name) return msg; } return NULL; } /** Module initialization. * @param argc The number of arguments passed to the module * @param argv The arguments themselves * * Initializes the module by replacing the PRIVMSG messages with our own versions, creating a CHANSERV SET command, * hooking to events, adding the language strings, and loading the database. */ int AnopeInit(int argc, char **argv) { Command *c = NULL; Message *m = NULL; EvtHook *hook = NULL; module_name = mod_current_module_name; moduleAddAuthor(AUTHOR); moduleAddVersion(VERSION); do_load_config(); if (!s_BotServ) { alog("Error: bs_perchannelfantasy does not work with BotServ disabled!"); return MOD_STOP; } m = myFindMessage(IRCD, "PRIVMSG"); if (m) { EventPrivmsg = m->func; m->func = MyPrivmsg; } if (UseTokens) { m = myFindMessage(IRCD, "!"); if (m) m->func = MyPrivmsg; } c = createCommand("SET", do_set, NULL, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1); moduleAddCommand(CHANSERV, c, MOD_HEAD); c = createCommand("SET FANTASY", NULL, NULL, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1); moduleAddCommand(CHANSERV, c, MOD_UNIQUE); moduleAddHelp(c, do_help_set_fantasy); c = createCommand("SET", do_nothing, NULL, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1); moduleAddCommand(CHANSERV, c, MOD_TAIL); moduleAddHelp(c, do_help_set); c = createCommand("INFO", do_info, NULL, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1); moduleAddCommand(CHANSERV, c, MOD_TAIL); hook = createEventHook(EVENT_DB_SAVING, do_save_db_evt); moduleAddEventHook(hook); hook = createEventHook(EVENT_DB_BACKUP, do_backup_db_evt); moduleAddEventHook(hook); do_add_languages(); do_load_db(); return MOD_CONT; } void AnopeFini() { Message *m = myFindMessage(IRCD, "PRIVMSG"); if (m) m->func = EventPrivmsg; if (UseTokens) { m = myFindMessage(IRCD, "!"); if (m) m->func = EventPrivmsg; } do_save_db(); }