/** * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Name : bs_fantasy_vhost * Author : Viper * Date : 13/01/2012 (Last update: 24/02/2012) * Version : 1.1 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Requires : Anope-1.8.7 + IRCd support vhosts + BotServ enabled * Tested : Anope-1.8.7 + UnrealIRCd * Tested : Anope-1.8.7 + InspIRCd 1.2 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This module adds 2 fantasy commands to botserv to allow users to set new vhosts * on themselves using !vhost or !groupvhost. * * This module is meant to replace n00bie's old ircd_vhostserv which can cause * desyncs and only works with UnrealIRCd. This rewrite is a slimmed down version * which utilises the botserv fantasy system instead of a dedicated client. * Some extra option were added to allow admins to limit who has access. * * Note that I am not personally a fan of this type of functionality as it allows * users to evade bans placed on them in channels! * * This module is released under the GPL 2 license. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Changelog: * * 1.1 Fixed crashbug when command is issued without arguments. (Reported by GTAXL.) * * 1.0 Initial release. * */ /** * TODO: * * << hope there are no bugs left >> * **/ /** * Configuration directives that should be copy-pasted to services.conf # vHostChannels [REQUIRED] # Module: bs_fantasy_vhost # # Define in which channels the !vhost and !groupvhost commands will be enabled. # Multiple channels can be specified separated by a space. Wildcards are accepted. # (E.g.: "#*" will allow !vhost to be used in all channels.) # Note that channels must be registered and assigned a BotServ bot. # vHostChannels "#help #vHost" # vHostSetInterval [OPTIONAL - Recommended] # Module: bs_fantasy_vhost # # Sets the period after setting a vhost during which a user cannot set a new vhost. # When 0 or not set, users will be able to set their vhost without restrictions. # vHostSetInterval 24h # vHostKickBanAfterSet [OPTIONAL] # Module: bs_fantasy_vhost # # When defined, a user will be banned and kicked from the channel after # successfully setting a vhost. Users will remain banned from all channels listed # in vHostChannels until vHostSetInterval has expired or services are restarted. # Users with access to the channel will not be kicked. # #vHostKickBanAfterSet # vHostRestricted [OPTIONAL - Recommended] # Module: bs_fantasy_vhost # # Define strings or wildcards that are not accepted in vIndents or vHosts. # Multiple strings can be specified separated by a space. # vHostRestricted "*ircop* *admin* *root* *staff*" # vHostRestrictedKickBan [OPTIONAL] # Module: bs_fantasy_vhost # # When defined users who request a vhost matching a restricted string will # be banned Dand kicked from all channels listed in vHostChannels for the # duration specified in vHostSetInterval. # vHostRestrictedKickBan # vHostSetRegisteredMin [OPTIONAL - Recommended] # Module: bs_fantasy_vhost # # Sets the period after setting a vhost during which a user cannot set a new vhost. # When 0 or not set, there is no minimum to how long users must be registered before # being allowed to set their own vhost. # vHostSetRegisteredMin 28d * **/ #include "module.h" /*------------------------------Configuration Block----------------------------*/ /** * When defined the module operates in supported mode. * This means it will stop functioning if incompatible modules are * detected. * When commenting this or undefining, these checks will be disabled, * however no further support will be provided by the author in case * problems arise. **/ #define SUPPORTED /*-------------------------End of Configuration Block--------------------------*/ #define AUTHOR "Viper" #define VERSION "1.1" /* Language defines */ #define LANG_NUM_STRINGS 16 #define LANG_CMD_DISABLED 0 #define LANG_VHOST_SYNTAX 1 #define LANG_GROUPVHOST_SYNTAX 2 #define LANG_VIDENT_VHOST_SYNTAX 3 #define LANG_VIDENT_GROUPVHOST_SYNTAX 4 #define LANG_VHOST_SYNTAX_EXT 5 #define LANG_GROUPVHOST_SYNTAX_EXT 6 #define LANG_VIDENT_VHOST_SYNTAX_EXT 7 #define LANG_VIDENT_GROUPVHOST_SYNTAX_EXT 8 #define LANG_VHOST_SET_INTERVAL_NOT_EXPIRED 9 #define LANG_VHOST_NOT_ALLOWED 10 #define LANG_NICK_VHOST_SET 11 #define LANG_NICK_VIDENT_VHOST_SET 12 #define LANG_GROUP_VHOST_SET 13 #define LANG_GROUP_VIDENT_VHOST_SET 14 #define LANG_MINIUM_TIME_REGISTERED 15 /* Constants */ char *ModDataKey = "vhostsetexpiry"; /* Variables */ int supported; int vHostSetInterval, vHostKickBanAfterSet, vHostRestrictedKickBan, vHostSetRegisteredMin; int vHostChannelsNr, vHostRestrictedNr; char **vHostChannels, **vHostRestricted; /* Functions */ int do_fantasy_vhost(int ac, char **av); int is_vhost_channel(char *channel); void do_set_vhost(ChannelInfo *ci, User *u, char *rawhostmask, int setgroup); int est_core_registered(NickCore *nc); int is_vhost_restricted(char *vhost); static void show_modinfo(User *u, ChannelInfo *ci); void addTempBan(Channel *c, time_t expires, char *banmask); int delTempBan(int argc, char **argv); char *maketime(int seconds); int check_modules(void); int event_check_module(int argc, char **argv); int event_check_cmd(int argc, char **argv); char* get_flags(); void update_version(void); void load_config(void); int reload_config(int argc, char **argv); void add_languages(void); /* Externals */ extern int do_hs_sync(NickCore * nc, char *vIdent, char *hostmask, char *creator, time_t time); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Create the command, and tell anope about it. * @param argc Argument count * @param argv Argument list * @return MOD_CONT to allow the module, MOD_STOP to stop it **/ int AnopeInit(int argc, char **argv) { EvtHook *hook = NULL; alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Loading module..."); moduleAddAuthor(AUTHOR); moduleAddVersion(VERSION); supported = 1; if (!moduleMinVersion(1,8,7,3089)) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Your version of Anope isn't supported. Please update to a newer release."); return MOD_STOP; } if (!ircd->vhost) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] ERROR: Your IRCd does not support vhosts!"); return MOD_STOP; } if (!s_BotServ) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] ERROR: BotServ is not enabled!"); return MOD_STOP; } check_modules(); if (supported == 0) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Warning: Module continuing in unsupported mode!"); } else if (supported == -1) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Unloading module due to incompatibilities!"); return MOD_STOP; } hook = createEventHook(EVENT_BOT_FANTASY, do_fantasy_vhost); if (moduleAddEventHook(hook) != MOD_ERR_OK) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Can't hook to EVENT_BOT_FANTASY event."); return MOD_STOP; } hook = createEventHook(EVENT_BOT_FANTASY_NO_ACCESS, do_fantasy_vhost); if (moduleAddEventHook(hook) != MOD_ERR_OK) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Can't hook to EVENT_BOT_FANTASY_NO_ACCESS event."); return MOD_STOP; } hook = createEventHook(EVENT_RELOAD, reload_config); if (moduleAddEventHook(hook) != MOD_ERR_OK) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Can't hook to EVENT_RELOAD event."); return MOD_STOP; } hook = createEventHook(EVENT_MODLOAD, event_check_module); if (moduleAddEventHook(hook) != MOD_ERR_OK) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Can't hook to EVENT_MODLOAD event."); return MOD_STOP; } hook = createEventHook(EVENT_ADDCOMMAND, event_check_cmd); if (moduleAddEventHook(hook) != MOD_ERR_OK) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Can't hook to EVENT_ADDCOMMAND event."); return MOD_STOP; } load_config(); add_languages(); /* Update version info.. */ update_version(); alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Module loaded successfully..."); return MOD_CONT; } /** * Unload the module **/ void AnopeFini(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < vHostChannelsNr; i++) if (vHostChannels[i]) free(vHostChannels[i]); if (vHostChannels) free(vHostChannels); for (i = 0; i < vHostRestrictedNr; i++) if (vHostRestricted[i]) free(vHostRestricted[i]); if (vHostRestricted) free(vHostRestricted); alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Unloading module..."); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Parses the fantasy commands looking for !vhost and !groupvhost. **/ int do_fantasy_vhost(int ac, char **av) { User *u; ChannelInfo *ci; Channel *c; char *botnick = NULL; int ret = MOD_CONT; /* Some basic error checking... should never match */ if (ac < 3) return MOD_CONT; if (supported < 0) return MOD_CONT; if (!(ci = cs_findchan(av[2]))) return MOD_CONT; if (!(u = finduser(av[1]))) return MOD_CONT; if (!(c = findchan(ci->name))) return MOD_CONT; /* Check if we are supposed to be listening in the channel.. */ if (!is_vhost_channel(ci->name)) return MOD_CONT; if (ci->bi) botnick = ci->bi->nick; else botnick = s_ChanServ; if (!stricmp(av[0], "vhost")) { if (ac < 4) moduleNoticeLang(botnick, u, ircd->vident ? LANG_VIDENT_VHOST_SYNTAX : LANG_VHOST_SYNTAX, BSFantasyCharacter); else { char *vhost; vhost = myStrGetToken(av[3], ' ', 0); do_set_vhost(ci, u, vhost, 0); free(vhost); } } else if (!stricmp(av[0], "groupvhost")) { if (ac < 4) moduleNoticeLang(botnick, u, ircd->vident ? LANG_VIDENT_GROUPVHOST_SYNTAX : LANG_GROUPVHOST_SYNTAX, BSFantasyCharacter); else { char *vhost; vhost = myStrGetToken(av[3], ' ', 0); do_set_vhost(ci, u, vhost, 1); free(vhost); } } else if (!stricmp(av[0], "minfo")) { show_modinfo(u, ci); } else if (!stricmp(av[0], "help")) { if (ac > 3) { char *cmd; cmd = myStrGetToken(av[3], ' ', 0); if (!stricmp(cmd, "vhost")) { moduleNoticeLang(botnick, u, ircd->vident ? LANG_VIDENT_VHOST_SYNTAX_EXT : LANG_VHOST_SYNTAX_EXT, BSFantasyCharacter); ret = MOD_STOP; } else if (!stricmp(cmd, "groupvhost")) { moduleNoticeLang(botnick, u, ircd->vident ? LANG_VIDENT_GROUPVHOST_SYNTAX_EXT : LANG_GROUPVHOST_SYNTAX_EXT, BSFantasyCharacter); ret = MOD_STOP; } free(cmd); } } return ret; } int is_vhost_channel(char *channel) { int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < vHostChannelsNr; idx++) { if (match_wild_nocase(vHostChannels[idx], channel)) { return 1; } } return 0; } /** * Validate the requested vhost and apply. * @param ci Channel in which the fantasy command was issued. * @param u User who issued the command. * @param rawhostmask Requested vHost - may include vIdent. * @param setgroup Boolean indicating whether to set for all nicks in the group. **/ void do_set_vhost(ChannelInfo *ci, User *u, char *rawhostmask, int setgroup) { char *botnick = NULL, *vIdent = NULL, *hostmask = NULL, *tmp = NULL, *s = NULL; int32 tmp_time = time(NULL); if (!ci || !ci->c || !u || !rawhostmask) return; if (ci->bi) botnick = ci->bi->nick; else botnick = s_ChanServ; if (readonly) { moduleNoticeLang(botnick, u, LANG_CMD_DISABLED); return; } else if (!u->na) { notice_lang(botnick, u, NICK_NOT_REGISTERED); return; } else if (!nick_identified(u)) { notice_lang(botnick, u, NICK_IDENTIFY_REQUIRED, s_NickServ); return; } /* Ensure the user has been registered long enough to allow the use of !vhost. */ if (vHostSetRegisteredMin && !is_services_oper(u)) { /* We have to go over all nicks in the group because the time registered isn't * stored in the nickcore.. HMPF!!! */ if (est_core_registered(u->na->nc) > tmp_time - vHostSetRegisteredMin) { char *min_reg; min_reg = maketime(vHostSetRegisteredMin); moduleNoticeLang(botnick, u, LANG_MINIUM_TIME_REGISTERED, min_reg); free(min_reg); return; } } /* Check whether the user is allowed to set another vhost at this time.. */ if (!is_services_oper(u) && (tmp = moduleGetData(&u->na->nc->moduleData, ModDataKey))) { if (atoi(tmp) > tmp_time) { char *left; left = maketime(atoi(tmp) - tmp_time); /* User is not allowed to set another vhost yet.. */ moduleNoticeLang(botnick, u, LANG_VHOST_SET_INTERVAL_NOT_EXPIRED, left); if (vHostKickBanAfterSet && !get_access(u, ci)) { char mask[BUFSIZE], buf[BUFSIZE]; char *av[3]; get_idealban(ci, u, mask, sizeof(mask)); snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "You must wait before setting another vhost. (Time left: %s)", left); av[0] = ci->name; av[1] = GET_USER(u); av[2] = buf; addTempBan(ci->c, atoi(tmp), mask); anope_cmd_kick(botnick, ci->name, u->nick, buf); do_kick(botnick, 3, av); } free(left); return; } else moduleDelData(&u->na->nc->moduleData, ModDataKey); } vIdent = myStrGetOnlyToken(rawhostmask, '@', 0); /* Get the first substring, @ as delimiter */ if (vIdent) { rawhostmask = myStrGetTokenRemainder(rawhostmask, '@', 1); /* get the remaining string */ if (!rawhostmask) { if (!setgroup) moduleNoticeLang(botnick, u, ircd->vident ? LANG_VIDENT_VHOST_SYNTAX : LANG_VHOST_SYNTAX, BSFantasyCharacter); else moduleNoticeLang(botnick, u, ircd->vident ? LANG_VIDENT_GROUPVHOST_SYNTAX : LANG_GROUPVHOST_SYNTAX, BSFantasyCharacter); free(vIdent); return; } if (strlen(vIdent) > USERMAX - 1) { notice_lang(botnick, u, HOST_SET_IDENTTOOLONG, USERMAX); free(vIdent); free(rawhostmask); return; } else { for (s = vIdent; *s; s++) { if (!isvalidchar(*s)) { notice_lang(botnick, u, HOST_SET_IDENT_ERROR); free(vIdent); free(rawhostmask); return; } } } if (!ircd->vident) { notice_lang(botnick, u, HOST_NO_VIDENT); free(vIdent); free(rawhostmask); return; } } hostmask = smalloc(HOSTMAX); if (strlen(rawhostmask) < HOSTMAX) snprintf(hostmask, HOSTMAX, "%s", rawhostmask); else { notice_lang(botnick, u, HOST_SET_TOOLONG, HOSTMAX); if (vIdent) { free(vIdent); free(rawhostmask); } free(hostmask); return; } if (!isValidHost(hostmask, 3)) { notice_lang(botnick, u, HOST_SET_ERROR); if (vIdent) { free(vIdent); free(rawhostmask); } free(hostmask); return; } /* First check if it is restricted.. */ if (!is_services_oper(u) && ((vIdent && is_vhost_restricted(vIdent)) || is_vhost_restricted(hostmask))) { if (vHostRestrictedKickBan && !get_access(u, ci)) { char mask[BUFSIZE], buf[BUFSIZE]; char *av[3], *banned; snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%d", tmp_time + vHostSetInterval); moduleNoticeLang(botnick, u, LANG_VHOST_NOT_ALLOWED); moduleAddData(&u->na->nc->moduleData, ModDataKey, buf); get_idealban(ci, u, mask, sizeof(mask)); banned = maketime(vHostSetInterval); snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "The vhost you requested is not allowed. Banned for %s.", banned); av[0] = ci->name; av[1] = GET_USER(u); av[2] = buf; addTempBan(ci->c, tmp_time + vHostSetInterval, mask); anope_cmd_kick(botnick, ci->name, u->nick, buf); do_kick(botnick, 3, av); free(banned); } else moduleNoticeLang(botnick, u, LANG_VHOST_NOT_ALLOWED); if (vIdent) { free(vIdent); free(rawhostmask); } free(hostmask); return; } /* We ve passed basic validation so set the timeout.. */ if (vHostSetInterval) { char buf[BUFSIZE]; snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%d", tmp_time + vHostSetInterval); moduleAddData(&u->na->nc->moduleData, ModDataKey, buf); } if (setgroup) do_hs_sync(u->na->nc, vIdent, hostmask, u->nick, tmp_time); else addHostCore(u->nick, vIdent, hostmask, u->nick, tmp_time); anope_cmd_vhost_on(u->nick, vIdent, hostmask); set_lastmask(u); if (setgroup) { if (vIdent && ircd->vident) { moduleNoticeLang(botnick, u, LANG_GROUP_VIDENT_VHOST_SET, u->nick, vIdent, hostmask); alog("[bs_fantasy_vhost] vHost for all nicks in group \002%s\002 set to \002%s@%s\002.", u->nick, vIdent, hostmask); } else { moduleNoticeLang(botnick, u, LANG_GROUP_VHOST_SET, u->nick, hostmask); alog("[bs_fantasy_vhost] vHost for all nicks in group \002%s\002 set to \002%s\002.", u->nick, hostmask); } } else { if (vIdent && ircd->vident) { moduleNoticeLang(botnick, u, LANG_NICK_VIDENT_VHOST_SET, u->nick, vIdent, hostmask); alog("[bs_fantasy_vhost] vHost for user \002%s\002 set to \002%s@%s\002.", u->nick, vIdent, hostmask); } else { moduleNoticeLang(botnick, u, LANG_NICK_VHOST_SET, u->nick, hostmask); alog("[bs_fantasy_vhost] vHost for user \002%s\002 set to \002%s\002.", u->nick, hostmask); } } if (vHostKickBanAfterSet && !get_access(u, ci)) { char mask[BUFSIZE], buf[BUFSIZE]; char *av[3], *banned; get_idealban(ci, u, mask, sizeof(mask)); banned = maketime(vHostSetInterval); snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "Banned until you are allowed to set your next vhost. (Time left: %s)", banned); av[0] = ci->name; av[1] = GET_USER(u); av[2] = buf; addTempBan(ci->c, tmp_time + vHostSetInterval, mask); anope_cmd_kick(botnick, ci->name, u->nick, buf); do_kick(botnick, 3, av); free(banned); } } /** * Guess when the nickcore was registered by getting the registered time of the oldest nick.. **/ int est_core_registered(NickCore *nc) { int i; NickAlias *na; time_t time_created = 0; for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { for (na = nalists[i]; na; na = na->next) { if (na->nc && na->nc == nc && (!time_created || na->time_registered < time_created)) time_created = na->time_registered; } } return time_created; } /** * Check whether the given vhost matches a wildcarded string in the restriction list. **/ int is_vhost_restricted(char *vhost) { int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < vHostRestrictedNr; idx++) { if (match_wild_nocase(vHostRestricted[idx], vhost)) { return 1; } } return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Sends the user the information on this module. **/ static void show_modinfo(User *u, ChannelInfo *ci) { char *botnick = NULL; char *flags = get_flags(); if (ci->bi) botnick = ci->bi->nick; else botnick = s_ChanServ; notice(botnick, u->nick, "vHost triggers provided by \002bs_fantasy_vhost\002. [Author: \002%s\002] [Version: \002%s\002] [Flags: \002%s\002]", AUTHOR, VERSION, flags); free(flags); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Adds a ban in a channel for the given mask and adds a callback for it * to be removed after the given period of time. **/ void addTempBan(Channel *c, time_t expires, char *banmask) { char *av[3]; char *cb[2]; cb[0] = c->name; cb[1] = banmask; av[0] = sstrdup("+b"); av[1] = banmask; anope_cmd_mode(c->ci->bi->nick, c->name, "+b %s", av[1]); chan_set_modes(c->ci->bi->nick, c, 2, av, 1); free(av[0]); moduleAddCallback("vhostban", expires, delTempBan, 2, cb); } /** * Callback function to remove a given ban from a channel. **/ int delTempBan(int argc, char **argv) { char *av[3]; Channel *c; av[0] = sstrdup("-b"); av[1] = argv[1]; if ((c = findchan(argv[0])) && c->ci) { anope_cmd_mode(whosends(c->ci), c->name, "-b %s", av[1]); chan_set_modes(whosends(c->ci), c, 2, av, 1); } free(av[0]); return MOD_CONT; } /** * Turn a given number of seconds into a more readable time format. **/ char *maketime(int seconds) { int d, h, m; char buf[BUFSIZE], *end, *t; *buf = 0; end = buf; if (seconds >= 86400) { d = seconds / 86400; end += snprintf(end, sizeof(buf) - (end - buf), "%dd", d); seconds -= d * 86400; } if (seconds >= 3600) { h = seconds / 3600; end += snprintf(end, sizeof(buf) - (end - buf), "%dh", h); seconds -= h * 3600; } if (seconds >= 60) { m = seconds / 60; end += snprintf(end, sizeof(buf) - (end - buf), "%dm", m); seconds -= m * 60; } if (seconds) end += snprintf(end, sizeof(buf) - (end - buf), "%ds", seconds); t = sstrdup(buf); return t; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Checks whether the right conditions to continue loading are met. **/ int check_modules(void) { #ifdef SUPPORTED if (supported >= 0) { if (findModule("os_raw")) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Unsupported module found: os_raw.. (This is fatal!)"); supported = -1; } if (findCommand(OPERSERV, "RAW")) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Unsupported module found: os_raw.. (This is fatal!)"); supported = -1; } if (!DisableRaw) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] RAW has NOT been disabled! (This is fatal!)"); supported = -1; } if (findModule("ircd_vhostserv")) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Unsupported module found: ircd_vhostserv.. (This is fatal!)"); supported = -1; } } if (supported >= 0) { if (findModule("ircd_init")) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] This module is unsupported in combination with ircd_init."); supported = 0; } if (findModule("cs_join")) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] This module is unsupported in combination with cs_join."); supported = 0; } if (findModule("bs_logchanmon")) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] This module is unsupported in combination with bs_logchanmon."); supported = 0; } if (findModule("ircd_gameserv")) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] This module is unsupported in combination with ircd_gameserv."); supported = 0; } if (findModule("os_psuedo_cont")) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] This module is unsupported in combination with os_psuedo_cont."); supported = 0; } } #endif return supported; } /** * When a module is loaded, check whether it s compatible. **/ int event_check_module(int argc, char **argv) { int old_supported = supported; #ifdef SUPPORTED if (argc != 1 || !argv[0]) return MOD_CONT; if (supported >= 0) { if (!stricmp(argv[0], "os_raw") || !stricmp(argv[0], "ircd_vhostserv")) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Unsupported module found: %s.. (This is fatal!)", argv[0]); supported = -1; } if (!stricmp(argv[0], "ircd_init") || !stricmp(argv[0], "cs_join") || !stricmp(argv[0], "bs_logchanmon") || !stricmp(argv[0], "ircd_gameserv") || !stricmp(argv[0], "os_psuedo_cont")) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] This module is unsupported in combination with %s.", argv[0]); supported = 0; } if (supported != old_supported) { if (supported == 0) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Warning: Module continuing in unsupported mode!"); } else if (supported == -1) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Disabling module due to incompatibilities!"); return MOD_STOP; } update_version(); } } #endif return MOD_CONT; } /** * When a command is created, check whether it s compatible. **/ int event_check_cmd(int argc, char **argv) { int old_supported = supported; #ifdef SUPPORTED if (argc != 1 || !argv[0]) return MOD_CONT; if (supported >= 0) { if (!stricmp(argv[0], "RAW")) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Unsupported command found: %s.. (This is fatal!)", argv[0]); supported = -1; } if (supported != old_supported) { if (supported == 0) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Warning: Module continuing in unsupported mode!"); } else if (supported == -1) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Disabling module due to incompatibilities!"); return MOD_STOP; } update_version(); } } #endif return MOD_CONT; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Returns pointer to a string of flags.. Must be free'd!! **/ char* get_flags() { char tmp[BUFSIZE]; const char version_flags[] = " " VER_DEBUG VER_OS VER_MYSQL VER_MODULE; char *flags; #ifdef SUPPORTED snprintf(tmp, BUFSIZE, "%s-%s-I%d-KBs%d-KBr%d-RM%d", version_flags, ((supported == -1) ? "U" : (supported == 0) ? "u" : "S"), vHostSetInterval, vHostKickBanAfterSet, vHostRestrictedKickBan, vHostSetRegisteredMin); #else snprintf(tmp, BUFSIZE, "%s-%s-I%d-KBs%d-KBr%d-RM%d", version_flags, vHostSetInterval, vHostKickBanAfterSet, vHostRestrictedKickBan, vHostSetRegisteredMin); #endif flags = sstrdup(tmp); return flags; } /** * Updates the version info shown in modlist and modinfo. **/ void update_version(void) { Module *m; char tmp[BUFSIZE]; char *flags = get_flags(); if (mod_current_module) m = mod_current_module; else m = findModule("bs_fantasy_vhost"); snprintf(tmp, BUFSIZE, "%s %s [%s]", AUTHOR, VERSION, flags); if (m->version) free(m->version); m->version = sstrdup(tmp); free(flags); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * (Re)Load the configuration directives **/ void load_config(void) { int i; char *chans = NULL, *restricted = NULL; Directive confvalues[][1] = { {{"vHostChannels", {{PARAM_STRING, PARAM_RELOAD, &chans}}}}, {{"vHostSetInterval", {{PARAM_TIME, PARAM_RELOAD, &vHostSetInterval}}}}, {{"vHostKickBanAfterSet", {{PARAM_SET, PARAM_RELOAD, &vHostKickBanAfterSet}}}}, {{"vHostRestricted", {{PARAM_STRING, PARAM_RELOAD, &restricted}}}}, {{"vHostRestrictedKickBan", {{PARAM_SET, PARAM_RELOAD, &vHostRestrictedKickBan}}}}, {{"vHostSetRegisteredMin", {{PARAM_TIME, PARAM_RELOAD, &vHostSetRegisteredMin}}}}, }; vHostSetInterval = 0; vHostKickBanAfterSet = 0; vHostRestrictedKickBan = 0; vHostSetRegisteredMin = 0; for (i = 0; i < vHostChannelsNr; i++) if (vHostChannels[i]) free(vHostChannels[i]); if (vHostChannels) free(vHostChannels); vHostChannelsNr = 0; vHostChannels = NULL; for (i = 0; i < vHostRestrictedNr; i++) if (vHostRestricted[i]) free(vHostRestricted[i]); if (vHostRestricted) free(vHostRestricted); vHostRestrictedNr = 0; vHostRestricted = NULL; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) moduleGetConfigDirective(confvalues[i]); if (chans) { vHostChannels = buildStringList(chans, &vHostChannelsNr); for (i = 0; i < vHostChannelsNr; i++) { if (!vHostChannels[i]) continue; if (*vHostChannels[i] != '#') { alog("[bs_fantasy_vhost] Invalid syntax. %s could not be added to the vHostChannels list.", vHostChannels[i]); free(vHostChannels[i]); vHostChannels[i] = NULL; } else if (debug) alog("[bs_fantasy_vhost] debug: Added '%s' to the vHostChannels list.", vHostChannels[i]); } free(chans); } if (vHostKickBanAfterSet && !vHostSetInterval) { vHostKickBanAfterSet = 0; alog("[bs_fantasy_vhost] vHostKickBanAfterSet cannot be set if vHostSetInterval is not set! Disabling vHostKickBanAfterSet.."); } if (restricted) { vHostRestricted = buildStringList(restricted, &vHostRestrictedNr); if (debug) { for (i = 0; i < vHostRestrictedNr; i++) { if (!vHostRestricted[i]) continue; alog("[bs_fantasy_vhost] debug: Added '%s' to the vHostRestricted list.", vHostRestricted[i]); } } free(restricted); } if (vHostRestrictedKickBan && !vHostSetInterval) { vHostRestrictedKickBan = 0; alog("[bs_fantasy_vhost] vHostRestrictedKickBan cannot be set if vHostSetInterval is not set! Disabling vHostRestrictedKickBan.."); } if (debug) alog ("[bs_fantasy_vhost] debug: vHostSetInterval=%d. vHostKickBanAfterSet=%d. vHostRestrictedKickBan=%d. vHostSetRegisteredMin=%d.", vHostSetInterval, vHostKickBanAfterSet, vHostRestrictedKickBan, vHostSetRegisteredMin); } /** * Upon /os reload call the routines for reloading the configuration directives **/ int reload_config(int argc, char **argv) { int old_supported = supported; if (argc >= 1) { if (!stricmp(argv[0], EVENT_START)) { if (debug) alog("[bs_fantasy_vhost] debug: Reloading configuration directives..."); load_config(); } } check_modules(); if (supported != old_supported) { if (supported == 0) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Warning: Module continueing in unsupported mode!"); } else if (supported == -1) { alog("[\002bs_fantasy_vhost\002] Disabling module due to incompatibilities!"); return MOD_STOP; } } update_version(); return MOD_CONT; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Add language strings to the module's language db. **/ void add_languages(void) { char *langtable_en_us[] = { /* LANG_CMD_DISABLED */ "This command has been disabled. Pls Contact Network Staff for more info.", /* LANG_VHOST_SYNTAX */ "Syntax: %svhost your.desired.vHost", /* LANG_GROUPVHOST_SYNTAX */ "Syntax: %sgroupvhost your.desired.vHost", /* LANG_VIDENT_VHOST_SYNTAX */ "Syntax: %svhost [vIdent@]your.desired.vHost", /* LANG_VIDENT_GROUPVHOST_SYNTAX */ "Syntax: %sgroupvhost [vIdent@]your.desired.vHost", /* LANG_VHOST_SYNTAX_EXT */ "Syntax: %svhost your.desired.vHost\n" "\n" "Sets the vHost of your current nickname.", /* LANG_GROUPVHOST_SYNTAX_EXT */ "Syntax: %sgroupvhost your.desired.vHost\n" "\n" "Sets the vHost of all nicknames in your account.", /* LANG_VIDENT_VHOST_SYNTAX_EXT */ "Syntax: %svhost [vIdent@]your.desired.vHost\n" "\n" "Sets the vIdent and vHost of your current nickname.", /* LANG_VIDENT_GROUPVHOST_SYNTAX_EXT */ "Syntax: %sgroupvhost [vIdent@]your.desired.vHost\n" "\n" "Sets the vIdent and vHost of all nicknames in your account.", /* LANG_VHOST_SET_INTERVAL_NOT_EXPIRED */ "You must wait until you can set another vhost. (Time remaining: %s)", /* LANG_VHOST_NOT_ALLOWED */ "The requested vhost is not allowed.", /* LANG_NICK_VHOST_SET */ "vHost for nick %s set to %s and activated.", /* LANG_NICK_VIDENT_VHOST_SET */ "vHost for nick %s set to %s@%s and activated.", /* LANG_GROUP_VHOST_SET */ "vHost for all nicks in group %s set to %s and activated.", /* LANG_GROUP_VIDENT_VHOST_SET */ "vHost for all nicks in group %s set to %s@%s and activated.", /* LANG_MINIUM_TIME_REGISTERED */ "You must be registered for at least %s before you are allowed to set your own vhost.", }; char *langtable_nl[] = { /* LANG_CMD_DISABLED */ "Dit commando is niet actief. Contacteer de netwerk staf voor meer informatie.", /* LANG_VHOST_SYNTAX */ "Syntax: %svhost de.gewenste.vHost", /* LANG_GROUPVHOST_SYNTAX */ "Syntax: %sgroupvhost de.gewenste.vHost", /* LANG_VIDENT_VHOST_SYNTAX */ "Syntax: %svhost [vIdent@]de.gewenste.vHost", /* LANG_VIDENT_GROUPVHOST_SYNTAX */ "Syntax: %sgroupvhost [vIdent@]de.gewenste.vHost", /* LANG_VHOST_SYNTAX_EXT */ "Syntax: %svhost de.gewenste.vHost\n" "\n" "Zet de vHost voor je huidige nickname.", /* LANG_GROUPVHOST_SYNTAX_EXT */ "Syntax: %sgroupvhost de.gewenste.vHost\n" "\n" "Zet de vHost voor alle nicks in je nickgroup.", /* LANG_VIDENT_VHOST_SYNTAX_EXT */ "Syntax: %svhost [vIdent@]de.gewenste.vHost\n" "\n" "Zet de vIdent en vHost voor je huidige nickname.", /* LANG_VIDENT_GROUPVHOST_SYNTAX_EXT */ "Syntax: %sgroupvhost [vIdent@]de.gewenste.vHost\n" "\n" "Zet de vIdent en vHost voor alle nicks in je nickgroup.", /* LANG_VHOST_SET_INTERVAL_NOT_EXPIRED */ "Je moet wachten voordat je een niewe vhost kunt zetten. (Tijd resterend: %s)", /* LANG_VHOST_NOT_ALLOWED */ "De gevraagde vhost is niet toegelaten.", /* LANG_NICK_VHOST_SET */ "vHost voor nick %s is ingesteld op %s en geactiveerd.", /* LANG_NICK_VIDENT_VHOST_SET */ "vHost voor nick %s is ingesteld op %s@%s en geactiveerd.", /* LANG_GROUP_VHOST_SET */ "vHosts voor alle nicks in groep %s zijn ingesteld op %s en geactiveerd.", /* LANG_GROUP_VIDENT_VHOST_SET */ "vHosts voor alle nicks in groep %s zijn ingesteld op %s@%s en geactiveerd.", /* LANG_MINIUM_TIME_REGISTERED */ "Je moet minstens gedurende %s geregistreerd zijn vooralleer je je eigen vhost kan zetten.", }; moduleInsertLanguage(LANG_EN_US, LANG_NUM_STRINGS, langtable_en_us); moduleInsertLanguage(LANG_NL, LANG_NUM_STRINGS, langtable_nl); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* EOF */