Module Author: Adam
Category: ChanServ
Status: Published
User Rating:
This module adds ChanServ as a bot in /bs botlist, so it allows people to use /bs assign #channel ChanServ. Additionally, this module allows users to use any ChanServ command by using fantasy in the channel, eg:
<@Adam> !access list
-ChanServ- #services access list is empty.
<@Adam> ChanServ: access list
-ChanServ- #services access list is empty
This module still works with BotServ disabled, and is automatically assigned to existing and new channels.
NOTE: This module will conflict with other fantasy modules (bs_fantasy, bs_fantasy_kick, bs_fantasy_ext, etc...). If bs_fantasy adds the !op command, and this module adds the !op command, doing !op will result in two +o's set on you. I recommend using this module without any other fantasy modules loaded.
This module should be in ModuleDelayedAutoLoad.
Latest Module Releases
- v1.1 - Released: 28/12/10 (6 files)
- v1.0 - Released: 04/07/10 (3 files)