
Module Author: n00bie
Category: OperServ
Status: Published
User Rating: (4 Comments)

Add or delete network staff for the given nick. The network staff will be given special privileges without the usual IRCop privileges upon identifying to services. The NETSTAFF command without giving any params will display the normal Network Staff nicks. The CLEAR command will remove all network staffs from the database.

The ADD/DEL & CLEAR commands can be used only by Services Admins and above whereas Services Operators can only view the Network Staff lists.

Note: SWHOIS currently works on UnrealIRCd only(?) and CHGHOST command used on this module are only supported by Unreal, Inspircd, Ultimate, Rageircd and Solidircd atm :s
Providing commands:

/msg OperServ NETSTAFF [ADD|DEL|CLEAR] [nick]
/msg OperServ NETSTAFF
This module have 4 configurable option.
Copy/paste below on services.conf

# NetStaffHost [REQUIRED]
# Module: os_netstaff
# Define the staff virtual host which will be set upon
# identifying to services. This is not a permanent vhost.
NetStaffHost "Staff.LocalHost-IRC.Network"

# NetStaffDBName [OPTIONAL]
# Use the given filename as database to store the Staff db's.
# If not given, the default "os_netstaff.db" will be used.
NetStaffDBName "os_netstaff.db"

# NetStaffModes [OPTIONAL]
# Define what user modes the staff user will get
# upon identifying to services. Comment this if
# you do not want to give them user modes.
NetStaffModes "+gswhGW"

# NetStaffSnomask [OPTIONAL]
# Define here what SNOMASK the staff will get
# upon identifying to services. If your'e not
# using UnrealIRCd, comment this.
NetStaffSnomask "+ks"

Recent User Comments

  • John (istok)

    Posted: 11/04/12 02:36:07
    Anope Version: 1.8.6
    Module Version: 1.0.1
    I really like this module, but it has one fault, and it's an annoying one.

    Backup of os_netstaff.db failed.

    I have looked at the code and can only find this part, to think where it's coming from.

    hook = createEventHook(EVENT_DB_BACKUP, doBackupData);

    If you were able to fix this small issue, this module would be 5/5.


    User Rating:

  • John (istok)

    Posted: 21/11/13 01:16:51
    Anope Version: 1.8.6
    Module Version: 1.0.1

    Thank you very much, it's greatly appreciated :)
    It seems to have fix everything.

    10/10 +++

    User Rating:

  • Jameson (zankoo)

    Posted: 15/03/13 16:33:45
    Anope Version: 1.8.8
    Module Version: 1.0.1
    Hi. I believe this fix will solve the database save issue.

    Find & replace the following code in os_netstaff.c file;

    int doBackupData(int argc, char **argv)
    return MOD_CONT;

    With this code;

    int doBackupData(int argc, char **argv)
    if (argc >= 1 && !stricmp(argv[0], EVENT_START))
    return MOD_CONT;

    Recompile module (instructions found here: http://wiki.anope.org/index.php/Modules:Usage:Compiling ), reload services, and enjoy! :)

    User Rating:

  • Gary (AlbozZ)

    Posted: 12/11/21 19:18:52
    Anope Version: 2.0.7
    Module Version: 1.0.1
    os_netstaff.c is possible to work with last version of anope 2.0.10 and for unreal 5.2.*

    User Rating:

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